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Designing insulated packaging solutions: how should comprehensive specifications be drawn up?

We have talked about the role of specifications and the impact of imprecise specifications. Now you can find out how to draw up comprehensive specifications in order to define cold chain shipping packaging which fully satisfies your requirements.

The basic information to be provided in specifications 

You require an insulated container that conforms to precise criteria. Below is the basic minimum information that should appear in the specifications:  

  • The temperature range of the products to be transported, 
  • The dimensions of the packaging and the number of products it must contain, 
  • The period of use and the temperature profiles to which the packaging will be exposed.

These items of information are the minimum required in order to produce the best insulated shipping system in terms of performance. However, they are not sufficient to guarantee the design of the most efficient insulated packaging solution. Indeed, these 3 criteria may result in the development of several types of packaging. The most suitable packaging must also fulfil the requirements of the various departments concerned.


The requirements of the departments 

When they are defined in advance, in consultation with the various departments involved, the specifications benefit from incorporating and prioritising all the userโ€™s own requirements. For example: 

  • The Quality Department requires a solution that is efficient in all circumstances,
  • For the Order Preparation Department, the packaging must be ergonomic and easy to prepare
  • The Logistics Department prefers a solution which is as lightweight and compact as possible
  • The Purchasing Department requires a competitively-priced packaging solution in order to avoid exceeding the allocated budget. 

When all the requirements are defined in advance, specifications become a master document for the provider, enabling him to devise the most appropriate solution.


The key factor: define specifications in advance!

Comprehensive specifications make it possible to propose an insulated packaging solution that fully satisfies your requirements and to define the deadline and cost criteria at the earliest possible opportunity. 

Defining your specifications in advance ensures that no time is lost (in particular, due to modifications during development of the packaging solution) and enables the provider to work more efficiently. The aim is to devise an insulated or temperature-controlled packaging solution that precisely satisfies your requirements!